Caring For Your Dog

Four Reasons Your Veterinarian May Suggest Dog Grooming

Dogs are not just animals; they play a central role in many people's families. As such, owners want to keep them as healthy and happy as possible. One way to do this is by making sure that they are groomed regularly. You might be wondering why your veterinarian may suggest dog grooming even though your dog seems to be doing fine at home. Here are four reasons your veterinarian may suggest dog grooming:

1. To Maintain Good Health

A well-groomed dog will look and smell better and have less anxiety. If your pet is not properly groomed, you may find that he or she has matted fur and dirty ears and paws. This can be uncomfortable for your pet and may lead to skin problems or infections. A trained professional can keep your pet clean, healthy, and happy with regular visits to the groomer's salon.

2. To Prevent Injuries

Grooming isn't just about looks — it can help prevent injuries too. Dogs who don't get regular grooming tend to have more injuries from their fur getting caught on things like fences or shrubs. And even if the dog's coat doesn't look bad now, poor grooming can lead to skin infections, scratches from sharp objects (like rocks), and other health problems later on.

3. If Your Dog Has Allergies 

If your dog is itchy, he may be allergic to something in his environment. If you suspect this is the case, talk to your veterinarian about getting your dog groomed. A professional groomer can help identify any potential allergens that could be causing your dog's itching and make recommendations on how to stop them from triggering an allergic reaction.

4. If You Want To Reduce Shedding

Dog grooming can also reduce shedding in some cases. When a dog sheds excessively, it may be due to a number of factors including health issues, genetics, or even stress levels in their environment. The result is an increase in dead fur that can get everywhere. A well-groomed pet will have less shedding because it takes off layers of dead fur that can clog up their hair follicles and cause dander to build up. 

Your veterinarian may suggest dog grooming for a variety of reasons. Grooming your dog can be an important part of caring for your pet's overall health, and in some cases, it's even part of the treatment plan. Chat with a vet or pet groomer about dog grooming today.